Internships & Projects

  1. 1. Web Developement Intern @ Ascent Academy


  3. 3. Growing A Sustainble Future

  4. 4. Portfolio and Resume Generator

  5. 5. My Portfolio

Click the projects/ internships to see the details


Web Developement Intern

Time Period: February 2023- March 2023

Description: As a Intern @ Ascent Academy i have workd upon 4 projects which includes SIMPLE CALCULATOR , ADDRESS BOOK , TODO LIST and Form For SURVEY


Time Period:DEC 2022- present

Description: As a Finalist of SMART ODISHA HACKATHON 2022 With the Team Tech For India Have Participated and presented the DBMS project Clean Odisha which is basically based upon to establish better coordination with the users to all the stalk holders and well collection and use of unwanted things in a appropriate manner

I Was The Team Leader there and have done the frontend Part and helped in Backend and Data base part

Growing A Sustainble Future

Time Period:july 2023- present

Description:As a Team and Finalist of Provothon 2023 we developed and Presented the DBMS project which basically lightens up towards a productive Farming and Can help to Farmers to sell their products without any third party directly to the consumer which will benefit to all the stalk holders included

I Was The Team Leader there and have done the frontend Part and helped in Backend and Data base part

Portfolio and Resume Generator

Time Period:MAR 2023- present

Description:This project is going on now and we as a team of two members trying to make a website which will help to build a unique url and a resume pdf to the user which will help the user by saving so many times and it can be shareable to the recruiters so that anyone can view the portfolio of the user

I am doing the frontend Part and helped in Backend and Data base part

My Portfolio

Time Period:August 2023 - present

Description: Its basically an Project to show case my Frontend Skills and to show my achievements and other details so that it can be easy to track all m records

Hackathons and Quizs